Christmas in February, The Best Diet For Fat Loss, and More!


I’m still a bit new to this writing thing, at least writing regularly.  I’ve really started to enjoy the process, but sometimes it takes me FOREVER to get to a point where I’m satisfied with the finished product.  Much to my wife’s chagrin I head to the basement once or twice a week only to emerge a few hours later, by which time she’s snuggled up in bed.

How does that apply to you, you might ask?  Because like most everything we do writing is a learned skill, as is the ability to get in regular workouts, learning the guitar, or even playing whack-a-mole (seriously who didn’t love that game).  When I first started writing much like when I first started working out, I was a walking ball of fail.  I tipped the scales at 165 my freshman year of college and that 165 consisted mostly of skin and bones, but since that time, and with a lot of trial and error I’ve made big improvements in strength and physique.

My writing is a similar story.  I sent out a regular newsletter when I owned Essential Fitness, which for those of you that don’t know was my old personal training studio.  Those newsletters were the genesis to this blog, and I’d say I’ve come quite a way in my ability to put together a coherent message that people enjoy reading, but it’s still early and I’m still learning:)  I do realize the value though in reading and learning from others, and I do quite a bit of it each week, and you should too.  So here are a few of the articles I read this past week.  Enjoy!

15 Things You’re Probably Not Doing Enough Of- Chet Morjaria

This was a good article and number 1 really relates to the beginning of my post.  There are some things we don’t like and writing at one point in time was one of mine.  But as we keep doing those things we get better and build confidence, and eventually I dare say maybe even master it, whatever that may be for you.

Merry Christmas Bob- Chris Shugart

I know Christmas is already passed, but for those of you that are already into lifting heavy things, and even those that aren’t it’s an inspiring piece.

The Best Diet For Fat Loss- Mark Fisher

Mark does a great job explaining that we all need to figure out nutrition that works for us.  Some funny stuff here too, as Mark certainly has a way with words.

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