Get Your Learn On 4.25


Happy Friday! Hopefully you’ve got some most excellent plans for the weekend.

It’s funny how just the fact that the weekend is within grasp can drastically change your mood.

I’ve got a pretty solid list of excellent reads today. Some fitness based and some not. While the focus of my writing centers around fitness and health I’ll commonly read articles on politics, religion (I know two of the most contentious topics around) and many others.

I’ll share some of the ones that I find most interesting and thought provoking even if they don’t directly have to do with fitness.  Hence my first article on anxiety:)

How I Cured My Anxiety- Charlie Hoehn

While this may not be a “cure” for anxiety I’m certain it can help.  Not all methods work for all people, I’m not a fan of large broad sweeping statements like this one, as it is just link bait.  However, I do thing there are some nuggets in here that can help people better deal with anxiety.

I’ve had my own personal battle with anxiety, and have found that simply being a bit more self aware has helped me immensely.  Either way if anxiety is something that affects you this is at least worth a read.

Why You Should Not Be Running- Mark Rippetoe

There has been a lot of sentiment in the fitness community hating on running, and that is not why I’ve posted this.  As I’ve mentioned before I really try to be a champion of all types of physical activity.  If someone likes to run go for it, if cylcling is your thing have at it, hell if prancercizing is your thing by all means(ok maybe not that’s just weird).

However, running is not the health panacea that it has been made out to be.  In fact, in my opinion, there are superior modes of exercise(strenth training) to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.  This article helps to outline that.

Building Muscle Slowly- Brad Pilon

This piece I can’t suggest enough in that building muscle and great fitness is a slow process.  While you may engage in a 12 week contest or something that kickstarts success, a long term focus on building great fitness and health is the only true way to reaching your goals.

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