Get Your Learn On 5.2


It’s going to be a short and sweet post today, as the sleep deprivation has kicked in a bit, and my ability to focus, let alone put together a coherent string of words is quickly going down the tubes.  I’ve got a couple of great articles to check out this week that will most definitely make you smarter.

Eating Half The Banana (How To Eat When Training For Fat-Loss Part 1)- Francis Nitsch

This was a great two part series on some different aspects of fat loss.  I can’t stress enough how important a healthy mindset is when trying to achieve success.  If you’re mind is cluttered and full of negativity you will have a hard time achieving and maintaining the goals that you want for yourself.

Eating Half The Banana (How To Eat When Training For Fat-Loss Part 2)- Francis Nitsch

And part two!

89 Simple Swaps That Could Change Your Life- Laura Schwecherl

These were great!  I’m a big fan of the greatist site as they always put out solid content.  These are some tips that you can swap out that can definitely make an impact on your health.

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