It’s Been a While

It’s hard to believe a year has passed since I last posted something here. Time has a way of getting away from us if we don’t make a conscious decision around how we use it. That along with many other things in my life have resulted in an absence from posting. However I plan on changing that. 

My calling in life started off in the world of fitness and is still very much rooted there. However over the last number of years I’ve learned much more about health and the inner workings of our bodies not solely related to fitness, and plan to use this blog as a way to hopefully pass some of that knowledge onto others. Like anything it will be a continual work in progress, but I’m dedicated to sharing this with others in hopes of helping people live the healthiest life they can. 

In short that means I plan on writing more often and working to empower anyone interested in improving their health. Not sure how it will all work but I’m excited for the journey. Until next time. 

In Strength
