Get Your Learn On 2.10

It’s been a crazy week.  I’ve been traveling most of the week and I don’t have much time to write.  So with that being said her are a few excellent articles from around the web.

8 Sneaky Reasons You’re A Fat Loss Failure

Bryan’s always got great viewpoints and does a great job hitting on some of the most important aspects of fitness.  This article doesn’t disappoint.

The Clean Eating Delusion

This is a great breakdown of the idea of “clean eating”.  Oftentimes with the best of intent we try and label foods/diets etc to communicate them.  Sometimes it isn’t that helpful and this article dives into the confusion that is “clean eating”.

Also fellas don’t forget it’s almost Valentine’s Day.  Get on it if you don’t have anything planned.  My wife and I have plans for a kickass dinner with plenty of wine and pasta tomorrow night.