10 Signs That You’re Boyfriend/Husband Is A Meathead


I thought it might be fun to write a post for any of the women readers.  I’ve read a few different posts lately with similar titles, and I thought it might be fun to come up with my own version.  Ladies if you can relate to 4 or 5 of these your guy is probably a meathead.  If 6 or 7 ring true you’re doomed!

Aside from the astronomical grocery bills at times, and the endless amount of money spent on supplements, there is at least one saving grace of being with a meathead.  You’ll never have to hire someone to move your furniture again 😉  Enjoy.

1) You never have to carry the groceries in from the house cause he’ll grab every bag and make one trip to get in some extra farmers walks.  You know cause they’re good for grip strength.

2) You ask him what day it is and he responds “Leg Day”.

3) Most of the meals you cook together start with chicken or steak as the entree. Usually to be paired with the likes of broccoli or another vegetable.

4) You have more than one shaker in the kitchen cabinet.

5) You’ve ever purchased 4 dozen eggs for a family of 3.

6) He plans his weekly activities  around his workouts.

7) Protein Farts…enough said.

8) Half of his wardrobe consists of dry-fit shorts and shirts.

9) If it’s above 35 degrees out he rarely wears a shirt.

10) When you walk in the gym with him it’s like Cheers and everyone knows his name.

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