Chicken and Waffles, Being Uncomfortable, and One Thing At A Time


Chicken and Waffles…seriously who knew what an excellent combination of food this is?  My wife and I were on vacation in January, and I enjoy trying to find cool and new places to eat.  And find one we did!  Chicken and waffles was on the menu, and came highly recommended by more than a few reviewers, so of course I had to try them.  Let me tell you the syrup was buttery, the waffles were fluffy, and the chicken was tasty, and my first experience with chicken and waffles was a win.

Well played Fancy of Fancy’s Southern Cafe, you ma’am have a fan!  If I ever find myself in Fort Myers Florida again I will be back.  I’d highly recommend if you ever find yourself down that way that you check it out too.  Not only was the food excellent, but it was well decorated and just a cool little place.

Enough about food though let’s get to this weeks link love.  I have a couple of great articles and a recipe for chicken and waffles, albeit a healthier version than what Fancy’s offers.  In full disclosure I haven’t tried this recipe yet, but Neghar always has great content and I’m certain these are delish.

Chicken and Waffles- Neghar Fonooni

Dig in on your next Sunday morning breakfast and if this is your first chicken and waffles experience hopefully you’ll enjoy it.

Discomfort Builds Growth- Tony Gentilcore

I love Tony’s writing and he never fails to deliver.  He hits the nail on the head here, simply put you must get outside your comfort zone in order to grow.  I know personally some of the most uncomfortable times in my life, when I look back, are the times I’ve grown the most and prepared me for where I am today.  Closing my gym a few years ago was one of the most uncomfortable experiences I’ve ever had, but there were so many blessings and so much growth that came out of that time in my life.

Harry Potter, Coffee, Sex, And Other Things I Think About While Trying Not To Think- Nate Green

Wow how’s that for a title?  Nate gives some great advice about being tuned into the moment.  I think we all suffer from this at times.  It can be really rewarding to be fully in tune to what you are doing and enjoy the moment that you’re in.

Now get your learn on!

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