5 Reasons You Need to Lift Weights


It’s no surprise that I think everyone needs to be lifting weights.  I think this partly because I’m a personal trainer, but the larger reason revolves around the other benefits that come from it.

There are the obvious health benefits, but that’s honestly just the tip of the iceberg in my opinion.  Lifting weights is finally not just for the gym rats anymore and it’s exciting to see that this form of exercise is rising in popularity.

I get that not everyone may like lifting weights and people may prefer to walk, run, cycle or whatever.  But the fact remains that no other form of exercise provides the benefits that hoisting iron a few times a week will.

if-you-think-lifting-weights-is-dangerous-try-being-weak-20349881) You may have seen this meme which pokes fun at the idea that lifting weights is dangerous. While this meme is meant to be humorous there is a lot of truth in that statement.

If you unpack that statement a bit, being weak is dangerous and lifting weight can be dangerous too, but the cost benefit tilts in the favor of lifting weights. With each passing year our bodies will shed muscle mass if we don’t lift weights or do some sort of strength training.  Running, walking, and other forms of exercise do not provide enough of a stimulus to maintain muscle mass.

2) Be a role model to those around you and your kids. I’m a father, 3 times over in fact, and modeling this positive behavior I feel is one of the most important things I can do for my kiddos.

Looking back I remember many Saturday mornings shooting baskets and swimming at the local YMCA with my older brothers while mom and dad worked out.  My parents modeled an excellent behavior at a young age for my brothers and I and we all have benefited from it as a result.

3) It builds self confidence. I’ve watched clients, guys and gals alike, walk into the gym with zero self confidence with their shoulders slumped over and a grimace on their face.  You can tell just by looking at them that life has been kicking their ass.

However, after a few months of lifting weights their self confidence has improved and that same person with slumped shoulders and a grimace is now standing tall with a smile on their face.


4) It builds grit, not grits like the picture above which makes me hungry.  I’ve been hearing a lot about resiliency and mindfulness and the need for more of it in our workplaces.  Well lifting definitely teaches you that.  Whether it’s struggling to lock out that last rep of your final set, or recovering from an injury it helps build that mental toughness that translates into daily life.

5) It helps you realize that nothing is impossible. You have the ability to change your body, each and every person no matter what.  And lifting weights is one of the main components of that.  You can find tons of stories about people that have embraced lifting weights and have made dramatic transformations.

This can happen for anyone.  Those people that have made those transformations are not special, they just decided to take control of their lives.  And you can do the same.  Humans have amazing abilities, you just have to harness that power and channel it.

I think I’ll go lift something heavy now!