
A resolution is nothing more than a fancy name for a goal. Whether you decide to make a resolution for the new year or not, knowing what type of goal you are setting is important. 

There are two types of goals I talk to my coaching clients about, outcome based goals and habit based goals. Habit based goals are actions that we are in complete control of. 

Examples would be deciding to exercise 3 days a week or limiting fast food to once a week. You can control both of those things ?%. 

And at the end of the week you either succeeded or you didn’t and there is no one else to pat on the back or blame but you. 

Outcome goals however, we have no control over. These are things like I will lose 10 pounds by February, or I’ll deadlift 420 pounds by June. 

You don’t have any actual control over those two goals. Your body as complex as it is does not always work like we’d like it to. 

But you can reach those outcome goals by consistently nailing your habit based goals, it usually just takes longer than we’d like. 

So as we look 2017 in the face and if you decide to make a resolution know which type of goal you are setting.