⏰Making Time For Healthy Living⏰

I’m a dad, a husband, and an employee. I also wear many other hats. Being all those things takes freaking time!

I have to be an employee so I can provide for my family and allow us to have a good life. I get to be a husband to my wife and make sure we spend quality time together and model an awesome relationship for our kids. 

And I get to be a dad to our 3 awesome kiddos. Which means lots of time rough housing, building couch forts, and just plain having fun. 

Add to that all the other titles and roles we play and there is not a lot of time leftover in a day, a week, or a month.  Guys have a lot of demands on their time which makes it tough to keep health a priority. 

This makes it that much more important that you make time to invest in your health. You will have to make time to get in a workout or cook a healthy meal. 

If you plan to find time to squeeze it in you very well might fall flat, I know I have. If I don’t think about my day and when I’m going to lift, the day flys by and it’s 9pm (my chances of getting a lift in after 8pm decrease by about 1,527%). 

If I’m out at client events and I don’t think about eating healthy, then it’s easy to grab junk. I have to be prepared and bring healthy snacks with me so I’m not starving or stopping at Culver’s on the way home. 

This time of year you’re probably motivated to make some changes. If you haven’t figured out what change to make yet, maybe you should be more intentional about making time for healthy living.