?Foodie Fridays?

Fellas we have to eat well in order to improve our health. Whether you want to drop body fat or increase muscle mass, you have to eat right to do those things. 

I too often have clients that rely on convenience foods or eating whatever their wife cooks for them. That isn’t always the best way to get results. 

I’ll be starting a new series called foodie Friday. These will be healthy quick recipes that will help you stay on point and easy to cook. 

This one is one I make almost every day for breakfast.

Cold Oats

The pic above is a simple meal or snack that you can put together in about 3 minutes. 

1/2 cup of oats (we buy ours at Costco because we can get the super mega large size)

1/2 scoop of protein

1/2 cup of almond milk

A splash of vanilla extract

A little cinnamon

A handful of frozen berries

I literally put all this in a glass and mix it up. I’ll usually either put this in the fridge overnight or for about an hour if I make it in the morning. 

It’s super easy and tastes great. Check out the nutrition stats below. 

Calories 275

Protein 18g

Carbs 38g

Fat 6g