? Eat Less ?

Most of us would not be harmed by eating less. Less junk food, less fried food, and even less healthy food. 

Blasphemy I know for a fitness professional to suggest eating less healthy food. 

It’s no secret that we as Americans eat way too much food. Our tendency to overeat is a part of the meteoric rise in obesity rates and lifestyle diseases like diabetes. 

And yes too much of a good thing is still too much. You can still gain excessive weight and face these afflictions by overeating what are deemed healthy foods like avocado, olive oil, and others. 

Now that’s not to say eating less is an easy proposition. There are many reasons we struggle to lose body fat and keep it off. 

One of the keys to successful fat loss is finding your why? The how is easy, reducing calories and starting an exercise program, are great starts, but truly understanding why you are starting that journey in the first place is crucial.