Why Do You Exercise?

If you started exercising solely as a means to lose body fat I encourage you to reconsider that line of thinking. If the only reason you started exercising is to lose fat what happens when you don’t get the results you want?

You quit. 

Or at least in my experience that’s the reason why I’ve had many of my clients give up. I’ll even take part of the blame for not having been able to articulate that message well enough. 

It’s my job as a trainer and coach to let people know that exercise does not equal fat loss. At least it’s not the optimal method. 

And that people should be exercising because of the many health benefits it’s gives us, or because it makes us stronger hence allowing us to make life activities easier. 

When people tie their exercise to outcome goals like fat loss, they get discouraged. It would be far better to tie your exercise to outcomes like performing that first unassisted pull-up or bench pressing your body weight for reps. 

These types of goals set you up for success instead of feeling like you failed because you didn’t get shredded by doing this one weird move.