Fat Loss Hacks Don’t Exist

I think as guys we like to find the most efficient way to do things. Whether it’s undertaking a home improvement project or even our own health improvement we think, how can I get the most bang for my buck?

You can find evidence of that with all the life hack articles and information that has been on the internet lately. 

It’s a popular term, but unfortunately when it comes to fat loss there are no hacks. A fat loss hack is based on the idea that there is some secret sauce to losing body fat. 

You see the “this one weird trick to fat loss” ads or the many other iterations of that and they are all not true. Plain and simple there is no quick fix that will get you ripped abs or bulging shoulders. 

I don’t want to sound like a Debbie Downer, but it’s the honest truth. The only path to fat loss success is consistency in our efforts and habits. 

So while guys like to be efficient we also like to work hard and take pride in a finished project.  We know there was a lot of work put in to get the end result and crave that sense of satisfaction when it’s done. 

We need to apply that same work ethic and dedication to our fat loss efforts instead of chasing the next hack.