As I wrote yesterday it’s important to get back to your normal rhythm over the next few weeks. One way to think about this is the idea of nutritional resilience.
Resilience is a term that describes someone’s ability to bounce back, typically from a setback or loss. A hot topic currently with the state of the world.
Applying that same thought to nutrition it’s the ability to bounce back from off plan eating. The ability to get right back on track with your nutrition plan and not let it spiral into a case of the fuckits.
It’s an important concept as this time of year presents a ton of opportunities for our eating to get out of hand. Find a couple of strategies that help you right the ship quickly and you’ll find getting back on track that much easier.
One strategy I use regularly is eating the same breakfast every weekday, with few exceptions. Boring, yes. Effective, absolutely. Weekends are always challenging to stay on plan, but every Monday morning I course correct.
It might be a simple rule but those simple rules you find and make yourself are where the magic happens.