Weekend Tips

Weekends are for relaxing. And it’s easy to relax with a nutrition plan too. A little bit of relaxing is ok, but we do need to be mindful of how much.

It’s pretty easy to destroy a week of fat loss progress with a day or two of unchecked eating. To stay on a point follow a few simple rules below.

1) Keep activity levels high. There doesn’t have to be structured exercise unless you really want to. However plan activities that keep you active and moving. It won’t necessarily make a big impact on a calorie budget I just find it keeps it easier to stay on track nutritionally when your regularly active.

2) Think ahead. Pick the meals or times you plan to relax a bit. And one step further think through what that looks like. 2 or 3 beers. A plate of chicken wings and blue cheese. Whatever your guilty pleasure put some limits on it.
