Get Your Learn On 3.14


I get pretty excited this time of year because when I know St. Patty’s Day is close, it means Corned Beef and Cabbage day is close.  In fact we had it last night and it was GLORIOUS!  Ok the cabbage part not so much, but I love me some Corned Beef, and I love a good Reuben sandwich in the days following.

We probably should have waited until Monday to cook it, but seriously I’m not sure I could’ve done that knowing that delicious hunk of meat would be waiting in the fridge all weekend.  So whether you plan to celebrate a bit with some corned beef and cabbage or decide to go for a run and enjoy a few green beers afterward (St. Louis has a great St Pattys Day Run sponsored by Anheuser Busch), I have some great reads to start your weekend.  Enjoy!

Top 5 Reasons Your Diet Isn’t Working – Chad Landers

I know I know I’m a broken record when it comes to calories and fat loss, but it’s because it’s that important.  If more people were educated on portion sizes and how much food they actually ate, they would ultimately be more successful in their attempts to lose body fat.

6 Life Lessons From 2013 – Jim Smith

These kinds of posts are always helpful for me to get a little perspective on life.  I know it’s a few months old, but when I read things like this it helps me chill out and enjoy the aweseomeness that is life.  There are so many things in life to be grateful for and learning continuously is one, as is being able to look back and evaluate and learn from your past experiences.

Recovering Your Metabolism: Do You Need to Increase Or Decrease Your Calories? (Part I) – Lucas Serwinksi

Tony consistently puts out great information and this piece is no different.  This actually comes from Lucas Serwinski and he knocks it out of the park on some interesting points about Metabolic Damage.  While this probably isn’t a factor for a lot of people out there it is good to know and does have a lot of good information.  If you have been dieting for a long time it does make sense to start to add calories back in slowly, and ultimately spend as much time at a maintenance level of calories as you did in a deficit.

Recovering Your Metabolism: Do You Need to Increase Or Decrease Your Calories? (Part II) – Lucas Serwinksi

And this is part two of that post.  I couldn’t leave you hanging.  These two posts do a great job of breaking down a complex topic without losing in you a lot of science speak.

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