Get Your Learn On 3.28


Sooo it’s Friday, and only about a week away before I become a dad.  I must say it is one of the most exciting times in my life.  It’s hard to imagine that in just a few short days we will have another rugrat running around the house.

While I’m sure there will be many sleepless nights, coupled with a bit of stress, it sure will be worth it.  Things around the Fagala household will certainly change, and I can’t wait to teach, learn, and enjoy this time.  Enough about me, I’ve put together a great list of articles this week to expand your mind, so get to reading.

And if you didn’t have a chance to read my post on Tony Gentilcore’s site have a looksie here.  Otherwise enjoy the weekend.

82 Push-Ups You Need To Know About- Nick English

Seriously who doesn’t like the push-up?!  It’s one exercise that is probably grossly underrated and has so many benefits, and obviously so many ways you can perform/tweak it.  Now drop and give me 20!

11 Most Nutrient Dense Foods On The Planet- Kris Gunnars

Apparently I liked posts with number in them this week and this one doesn’t disappoint either.  If there aren’t a few of these foods in your nutrition plan each week you need to consider adding them.

4 Reasons You’re Not Getting Stronger- Dave Dellanave

Yep another post with a number.  Dave hits the nail on the head here and gives even a few more reasons to increase strength.  This post compliments mine from Tony’s site very nicely and between the two you should be able to act on a few of these an increase your lifts in the gym, which will make you more awesome, and ultimately a better human being.

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