You, yes you, need to Lift

Fellas, it’s imperative that you lift weights. You don’t want to be the old codger walking around with pancake ass.

More importantly you don’t want to be the old codger that fell and broke his hip.

And the only way to fend off both of those scenarios is to start lifting weights. I’ve heard well I don’t like lifting, time to put that sorry excuse to rest.

There are plenty of things we don’t like to do, but you do them anyway because it’s good for you, lifting weights should be one of those.

It doesn’t have to be complex there are a million and one programs so just pick one and get to work. You don’t even have to join a gym if you don’t want to.

There are plenty of body weight programs out there that will take you no more than 15-20 minutes.

You’ll be glad you did.