Link Love To Start The Week


Soooooo, I’ve been toying with the idea of starting a series like this pretty regularly, and there is no time like the present.  Basically I’ll link to a couple of articles that I’ve read recently and find particularly insightful.  Most of them will be fitness related, but there are other topics that may find their way in this series as well.  I read a fair amount because I think it’s just that important, so important that I try and do it daily, and I think you should too.  Here’s to blowing your mind, or at least expanding it.

5 Things That Will Make You a Better Runner– Ian Fagala

As I mentioned last week I’ve been asked to do some regular contributions for Go! St Louis, if you missed my post on their site last week be sure and check it out.  

11 Reasons People Think Calories Don’t Count — And Why They’re Wrong – Armi Legge

I really can’t stress this point enough.  If your goal is fat loss and you are not looking at calories as a means to do that you are missing the bus.  I would liken this to driving from New York to LA without a roadmap, you might get to your destination but it’ll take a hell of a lot longer.

Stevia: Natural Sugar Alternative or Toxic Chemical?– Chris and Kara Mohr

There are all kinds of crazy opinions out there on artificial sweeteners.  You’ve got the Aspartame will give you cancer crowd, the conspiracy theorists that believe the FDA has been bought by the Aspartame Association, artificial sweeteners will make you grow a third nipple, and probably a million more.  Now I’ll admit I use Stevia daily in my coffee and this gave me cause to potentially reconsider that, at least to maybe stop daily use.  The only way  you can make an educated guess on what is best for you is by having all the facts.  While all the facts aren’t quite in on Stevia, at least you can make a judgement call based on your own research.

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