H20: 2 Reasons Water Helps You Be More Awesome

water_photo_shutterstock_17413012Simple, yes.  Understated?  Absolutely!  The importance of being hydrated that is…and it is one of the variables I have often overlooked when working with people.  I think it’s because it’s so simple or maybe it has been such a part of what I do for so long.

I’ll bet if I were to take a poll of how many people were actually hydrated properly, it would be far less than 50%.  While I could look up some stats on google about how many of us aren’t hydrated properly, that would probably only serve to distract me (seriously I’d be reading buzzfeed about 10 animals that are smarter than I am or some crap like that in no time).

There are a ton of reasons you need to drink more of the clear stuff, and I’m referring to water here… not vodka or any of the other tasty clear liquids that exist.  But there are a few reasons that water doesn’t get much press… so hopefully this highlights the importance for you.

With regard to strategies on how to incorporate more into your day, don’t complicate it, get a nice water bottle and don’t ever plan to be without it.

As for why you should drink more water check it out.

1) Liquid Calories (usually) = Crap calories.  When you drink more water hopefully that means you have less of a chance of sucking down calories from things like soda, fruit juice, or whatever other liquid concoction you’ve decided you can’t live without.

Exception –Protein shakes pretty much help solve all the world’s problems so they don’t fall in the category of crap calories.

Calories still count when it comes to liquid and, in my opinion, has little to no place in a fat loss plan, or otherwise healthy eating plan.  Drinking calories can sabotage a fat loss plan in a heartbeat, and provide next to nothing in terms of nutritional benefit.

As for “recovery drinks” Gatorade and the like, yep same deal, CRAP.  Most of us aren’t doing enough training to warrant them.  These drinks were designed for athletes training multiple hours a day, not the general public.

Drink mostly water, coffee for me is a must as it is for many others I’m sure, and that’s cool too.  Occasionally I’ll have a coke zero, diet Sunkist, or when I’m feeling extra crazy a regular coke.  However, generally I drink water 80% of the time and you should too.

2) Your body is one big chemical reaction.  And if you remember from high school chemistry that time when the kid next to you singed off his eyebrows with the Bunsen burner….nevermind different story.


In all seriousness those chemical reactions take place in water and when you don’t have enough in your body it could impair certain functions.

Taking a poop being one of them.  Yep I just used the word poop (the sixth grader in me still laughs at that word), but staying hydrated helps remove waste from the body, luckily I’ve never experienced being constipated but I’m certain it’s not fun.

Not only will we spend less time in the bathroom by drinking more water, but there are quite a few other processes being hydrated improves.  It helps to regulate temperature, lubricate your joints, and helps with our respiratory system.

If you have cranky joints then instead of reaching for the aleve/ibuprofen maybe check how much water you drink, as that doesn’t cost anything and doesn’t have the potential to make your stomach bleed with prolonged use.

Really water is just a big deal and you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of its impact on our health.  Aside from the suggestion above to buy a water bottle, find other ways to drink more of it.

Chug a 16 ounce glass each morning, drink it at meals, hell drink it directly out of the faucet when showering, ok that might be a bit weird, point being just drink more of it.  I think you’ll feel better as a result.

As for how much you need to drink start with shooting for 64 ounces, that old 8- 8 ounce glasses will work for a start.  But in all reality there is no “perfect” amount for everyone.  It may be as simple as doubling how much you currently drink, or even more basic, just figuring out how much you drink on average by tracking it.
